Your homepage may be the biggest, most eye-catching, and most important page of your website design. But whether you build your website or hire a custom website builder, it is actually your pricing page that helps initiate action and engagement with your website.

Your pricing page is one of your best and most crucial marketing tools. Yes, it provides a lot of information about your product or service. Yes, it explains how much you charge for your product or service. 

But most importantly, this is a place that gives you an opportunity to provide leads with a call to action. The call to action allows people to buy your product online or inquire about your service by filling out a contact form.

Here are some great tips on how to create the most effective pricing page possible.

1. Provide choices.



People love to choose products, services, and offers that appeal to their needs and preferences. Yes, that one great discount may attract one particular segment of your market. But what about others who don’t mind paying the full price in exchange for a few more add ons?

Another way to make your pricing page more effective is to add a few more options. For example, as a real estate photographer your Basic Package may be the most affordable, but there are people who want drone shots, virtual staging, or special editing. You need to remember that different people have different needs, so it makes sense to offer several pricing options.

Pro Tip: Put a “most popular” or “best value” label on the options that you want to highlight. Highlighting an offer increases your chances of peaking your readers’ interest, which will turn into conversions.

2. Include a comparison.



Okay, so you’ve already put eye-catching options in your pricing page. Great! Now your readers need to know some information about each of those options so they’ll know which one fits their needs. You should present some sort of comparison so your readers will understand the difference between your pricing options.

Follow this format:

  • Put the title and the price for each package in a large, easy-to-read font
  • Include bullet points that emphasizes the cost, features, and any extra value that you offer clients for “free”
  • Include a button with a call to action below each package/plan option. The button should take you to a page where you can either make a purchase or “contact us”  for more information. 

Pro Tip: If you want to highlight a particular package, you can put a “best value,” “big value,” or “most savings” label on that package.

3. Instill a sense of urgency.



Sure, your pricing page may show off your wonderful, money-saving, attention-grabbing offers and opportunities. But for this page to be effective, it needs to actually convert viewers into leads, and leads into paying clients. 

This can be done by creating a sense of urgency so that people will subscribe right away, or else they’ll be missing a great deal.

The most popular way to do this is to give your readers a limited time frame so that they can take advantage of what you’re offering. For example, you may promote free trials for your brand-new service for one month only. Or perhaps a 20% discount for the first 100 customers who sign up. 

You may also want to take advantage of special holiday sales. You can offer discounts, freebies, or specials on holidays like these: 

  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Christmas Season
  • Amazon Prime Day
  • Easter


Check out this article for a list of popular shopping holidays.


Pro Tip: Don’t forget to add your call to action messages that create a sense of urgency such as:

  • Subscribe now
  • 20% discount
  • Try it free
  • Buy now
  • Start free trial

Your pricing page is not only part of your website, but part of your broader marketing strategy. Create it with these tips in mind and you’ll be sure to see leads come through in no time!