Do you really need a website? After all, there’s a ton of social media platforms out there, right?

Well, the truth is: yes, you do need a website. The Internet is the new business playground, bursting at the seams with all kinds of opportunities. This is where you will find who your target market is. This is where your target market will be looking for businesses like yours. The key to taking advantage of all these opportunities is to have an online presence, and that is possible with a custom-designed website.

But you’ll be surprised at the reasons why businesses forego websites.

These statistics help explain why should your business needs a custom-designed, fast, powerful, and mobile-responsive website design.


1. Salesforce explains that 72% of buyers start their purchasing journey on Google. To take advantage of this, you need to have a website that ranks in Google.

2. A website allows you to

  • Build your online presence
  • Showcase your products and services all over the world
  • Have a store that is “virtually open” 24/7/365
  • Showcase your brand 
  • Reach both a local and global audience 
  • Share your ideas to other people
  • Cut down your marketing budget. Having a website can be much cheaper than traditional marketing efforts
  • Integrate your products, services, and social media accounts

3. Without a website, your business will be at a severe disadvantage:

  • You’ll have a harder time ranking in search results when clients are looking for your specific product or service.
  • A website provides credibility and legitimacy to your business.
  • Your business can be greatly affected when social media platforms change their search/display algorithms.
  • Your email campaign will be ineffective. People who are interested in your business expect to click on a link to a website to find more information.

Website Layout Statistics

1. Research found out that Internet users scan a web page in an F pattern, starting at the header. Then they read the top half of the website before finally checking out the left sidebar. Research shows that the left side of the page usually gets more attention.

2. Instinctively, people read in a Z-shaped pattern, similar to that of reading a book. This is a classic Guttenberg diagram that you can use to your advantage. Put your most important information on the primary optical area and your call-to-action button at the terminal area.

3. Most people do not read a site’s content at first view. Rather, they scan headlines, subheadings, and bullet points.

4. Use bullet points to organize and focus on the most important points of your web page.  70% of viewers look at and study lists with bullet points.

5. According to the Institute of Color Research, 62 to 90% of viewers’ purchasing decisions are based on colors. Bright primary colors such as red, green, orange, and yellow used in call-to-action buttons seem to have high conversion rates.

Each color exudes a different feeling and theme. Check out this informative article on how color affects people’s emotions.

Mobile-Friendly Statistics


1. Jason Spero of Google reveals that, as of 2017, people interact more with their mobile devices than with TV, radio, in-store, and other forms of media.

2. Statista states that 52.2% of worldwide Internet traffic in 2018 came from mobile devices. That trend is only going to increase in 2019 and beyond! 

3. Google has made mobile responsiveness a major ranking factor in search results.

4. 72% of mobile-device users said that it is important for website designs to be mobile-friendly. The study also revealed that 67% of users are more likely to buy a product or service from a mobile-responsive site.

5. According to Medium, only 30% of small-scale businesses have mobile-friendly websites. 59% have old, non-mobile-responsive websites while 10.6% don’t have websites at all.

Loading Speed Statistics

1. 40 percent of web users leave a web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. 2.078 seconds is the mean wait time for a web page to load.

2. Want to know how much traffic you gain by load page time

  • Website traffic increases by 4.6% if your web page loads less than 1 second.
  • Website traffic increases by 2% if your web page loads in 1 to 2 seconds.
  • You only gain .3% percent if your web page loads in 2 to 3 seconds.
  • You gain 0% traffic if your web page loads in 3 to 4 seconds.


3. Longer loading speed also increases bounce rates or the percentage of viewers who leave after quickly viewing a web page. Bounce rate increases to 17.1% if the web page loads in 4 seconds. Worse, it increases to 32.2% if it takes 7 seconds or more to load.

Does your business have a website? Is your web design effective? Or does your existing website needs to be updated?


Contact us at FolioWebsites, and use our platform to easily create a professional website design. Alternatively, our team of highly skilled, experienced, and friendly web designers can create a website that helps you achieve your business goals.