1 How many albums can I have on one page?
  1. You can have multiple albums on one page.

    For example: When adding a page or portfolio. Click on the ADD SELECTION button and hit gallery. See screenshots below.

  2. After clicking on Gallery, select album.

  3. Select the albums you want to display on the page. Hit the X button in the top right when done selecting to see the preview.

2 How do I create an album?
  1. Look under the Main menu and click on Albums.

  2. Then click on the CREATE ALBUM to create and name your album.

3 How do you send an album?
  1. Look under the Main menu and click on Albums.

  2. Hover your selected album then hit the gear icon and click Share.

  3. Write the email address you wish to access the album with and then click SEND ACCESS.

  4. Finally, the album has been successfully sent and shared.

4 How do I add a featured image?
  1. Go to Main menu, click on Albums.

  2. Click on your album to show all the images. Hover on one image and click on the star icon to set as featured. Remember that you can only set one featured image with the yellow star.

  3. Go back to Album Manager and check for the new featured image.

5 How do I add categories in album manager?
  1. Under the MAIN menu, click on Albums.

  2. Go to Album Manager, click on CATEGORIES. Then click on CREATE CATEGORY.

  3. Type in the title of your category.

  4. If you want to add another category, click on CREATE CATEGORY.

6 How do I set a password protected album?
  1. Click on Album under the Main menu. Hover on the Album you want to set up a password. Then click on the Actions icon to bring up the Action Menu and click Privacy.

  2. After you click on Privacy, a small window says SHARE ALBUM will pop up.

  3. Click on the switch button to select from Public to Private. Put in your password and click Save.

7 How do I arrange photos in a slideshow?
  1. On your Homepage, hover on Photo Slider and click on Select Photos button.

  2. Click the dropdown arrow and then go into Arrange Photos.

  3. Drag and drop to arrange your photos.

8 How do I arrange photos in an album?
  1. Go to Albums and click on an album to view the photos.

  2. Hold and drag a photo to arrange them.

9 How to modify a Folio album layout?
  1. Go to the main menu, click Album.

  2. Select an album.

  3. In your album, navigate on the Layout Manager icon located at the top right corner and then click.

  4. Then you will be directed to the Layout Manager page. On the left side, you can select your Gallery Style and Photos Displayed Per Load.

10 How to rename photo?

There are three options to rename photo.

  1. Go under the Main menu and click on Album. Click on the Album title to view your photos.

  2. First option. Hover on the photo and click the three black dots on the upper right hand side of the photo to bring down the menu. Click on Rename to rename your photo.

  3. Second Option. Hover on the photo and click on the encircled pencil icon located on the bottom right hand side to rename your photo.

  4. Third Option. Click on the file name itself at the bottom of the photo to rename.

11 How to edit or rename an album?

Two ways of renaming an album.

  1. Click the albums icon on the builder page.

  2. Select the album you want to rename and then click the edit icon depicted by the pen symbol.

  3. The second way is to go to the builder home page and click Pages & Menus.

  4. Then go to your album or photo gallery.

  5. On the toolbar click the camera icon and it will show you all your existing albums.

  6. Hover to the album you want to rename and the edit icon will appear beside with the add photos icon. Click the edit icon to rename the album.

  7. Remember to click the check mark button after editing or renaming an album in order to save your changes.

12 How to delete an album or an image on the album manager page?
  1. On the builder click Albums on the left sidebar to show all the existing albums on your website.

  2. Hover to the album you want to delete and the delete/trash icon will appear, along with the add photo and settings button.

    Click the trash icon to delete the entire album.

  3. You can also select the album that you want to delete and a blue toolbar will appear with the options to Categorize, Download and Delete the album.

    Click Delete

To delete individual images:

  1. Click on the album that contains the image you wish to delete.

  2. Hover to the image and click the three dotted icon to show the word Delete

  3. Click the Delete button to delete the image from the album.

13 How to add an album to an existing page?
  1. On your photo gallery or slider, click the camera icon to show the existing albums on your website.

  2. Click Add Album on the right hand corner.

  3. You can also add photos by clicking the upload icon.

    Please remember that deleting an album can only be done on the album manager page.

14 How to add an album to a new page?

To add a new page

  1. Go to Pages and Menus then click the Add page button.

  2. Select the Blank Page. You can select a specific layout with a customized gallery section or add your own.

    To add your own gallery section, click the add section button, select gallery and then album.

  3. To add an album, click the camera icon on the toolbar and click the + Album.

  4. To add photos in your album simply click the upload icon. You can add as many albums as you want.

  5. After adding all your albums, you can then choose the gallery style by clicking the double arrow symbol.

  6. Once done, toggle Publish this Page and click the Save Changes button.

15 How to share pay to download albums?
  1. Click Albums on the left sidebar, to show the albums you have on your page.

  2. Once you’re in the Album Manager Page, hover to the album you want to manage.In here you can Share your photos by clicking the Share Photos icon.

    In your Share Photos settings, you can: Copy the album link and send it directly to your friends/clients.

  3. Edit the albums privacy in order to password protect your images.

  4. Change the viewing permissions. Simply enter their email by clicking the plus icon and select the viewing access options by clicking the access drop-down menu.

  5. You have two options for Pay to Download: One-time payment or the per-user payment.One-time payment– All photos will be available to download by all users with access once a payment is made.Per-user payment– Requires each user to pay-to-download.

  6. In order to receive payments from the people who will download the photos, you need to integrate your account with Stripe. Click connect with Stripe.

  7. To connect your account with Stripe, you need to Fill out the Form and Click Authorize access to this account.

  8. You have now successfully integrated your account with Stripe once you see this page.

  9. After setting up your sharing settings, you have the option to notify each person via email by checking the box next to the Share Photos button.Click the Share Photos button to deliver your images to your client/friends.

16 How do I password protect an album?

To protect your album from unauthorized viewers, you can change the privacy settings on your album. On the album manager page, simply hover on the Album you want to set up a password. There are two ways to set or edit your album privacy.

  1. Click the three dotted icon and choose Privacy.

    There will then be a pop-up with the album’s current visibility status.

  2. To set up a password, toggle to change visibility from public to 'private', and add your 6-20 character password.

  3. Second is by clicking the Share Photos icon.

  4. Click 'Anyone can view this album' link below the Album Details, and you will be redirected to the same pop-up that was shown upon clicking the 'Privacy' option. The same process applies where you change the visibility to 'Private' and add your 6-20 character password.

17 How to share albums?
  1. Click Albums on the left sidebar to show the albums you have on your page.

  2. From your Album Manager Page, simply hover to the album you want to manage and click the Share Photos icon.

  3. To share your album directly from Folio, you can enter the recipient’s email address to give them access to view only, view and download, or pay to download the photos.

    • View only access allows the recipient to only view the album or photos for free
    • Download only access allows the recipient to not only view but download the photos for free
    • Pay to Download is an option you can choose to receive payments in sharing your photos or albums. There are two options for the pay to download and these are the per-user payment and the one-time payment.

    Adding multiple recipients is possible.

  4. From the share photos settings, you can click the link icon to copy the album’s link and send it directly to your friends/clients.

    After setting up the viewing access you can now click the Share Photos button to deliver your images to your clients/friends.

  5. They will then get an email that looks like this, where you can see the websites logo, the album’s cover and the title of the album shared. By clicking the View album you will then be routed to the album that was shared to you.

18 How to modify a slider?
  1. Click the settings icon on the toolbar to show the slider settings on the left sidebar.

  2. You can toggle Thumbnail to show the viewer a glimpse or preview of photos in that specific gallery.

  3. Toggle Title to show the title of the photos.

    Toggle Description to show the captions you have for each photo.

  4. Toggle Date to show the date a photo was added or taken.

  5. Toggle Button to remove or add a black overlay to the button on your album.

  6. Toggle Pagination to show the number of photos in your gallery.

  7. The pop-up title and description can be toggled if you choose to show the title and description of each photo once viewed. *There is no option to preview these 2 setting options on the builder. You can view the settings on the live website. Below is an actual image of when these 2 options are enabled and once a user views the photos.

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