Own your audience and cultivate a loyal following using this 5-step process of improving your content marketing strategy.

So much content, so little time. Content marketing can seem overwhelming, but a well-thought-out plan can inform your decision-making and ease your mind at the same time.

Behind every successful brand or business is a content marketing plan that allows them to reach their audience and inspires customers to take action. Content marketing is the megaphone for your company's message. It announces who you are and why you are the go-to destination in your industry. It gives your company a unique voice. It attracts and retains your ideal audience.

Your content marketing strategy can deliver big payoffs as well. According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing leads to conversion rates six times higher than other methods.

So what are you waiting for?! Start with these simple steps to make sure you’re developing a content marketing strategy that helps you achieve your business goals.

1. Establish your goals

It's imperative to know what you want to accomplish with your content before doing anything else.

Do you need to raise brand awareness, generate leads, establish your brand as an authority, increase conversions, improve your search rankings, or something else?

Your goals will determine what kind of content you produce, as well as how and when you deliver it.

2. Research, research, research!

Your content marketing will be most effective when it appeals to a clearly defined audience.

  • Google analytics can give you an idea of the demographics of visitors to your website.
  • You can conduct user surveys to find out more information about your user base to better understand who they are, what makes them tick, and what content they are interested in.
  • Social media analytics can tell you who is following your brand or business.
  • Research content keywords to ensure you're attracting users who can be converted. There are many free and paid keyword research tools to help you do this.

3. Create your content lineup

Now that you know your goals and audience, it's time to determine what type of content you'll use. Will it be digital, downloadable, or tried-and-true print?

Conduct a content audit to gain insights on what has worked for you in the past. Stick with what works and expand on that.

Many brands begin with blogs and social media, but content marketing can be so much more. Videos, ebooks, white papers, brochures, interactive PDFs, infographics, case studies, and podcasts, to name a few, can be a vital part of your content marketing strategy.


4. Publish, measure, report

Your content will ideally establish your brand as an authority in your industry and elevate your reputation.

To do that, make sure your content fills a void, stands out, and has a unique voice. Deliver your content where you know your users are, then measure its effectiveness. Measure page views, clicks, social media interactions, downloads, subscriptions, and conversions to track your progress.

Be aware that you might not see results overnight. Content marketing can take time to deliver results. Once you have actionable data, share it with your content marketing team so everyone is on the same page.

5. Listen to the market

That oft-used online statement "Don't read the comments" might bring a smile to your face, but it's bad advice.

Successful content marketing should consider what your customers are telling you. So…


  • Read those comments as well as other feedback you receive.
  • Conduct surveys on your website and on social media.
  • Frequently check general company email inboxes.
  • Actually listen to your voicemail! (And remember to clean out your voicemail box!)
  • If members of your staff interact with your customers, ask them what they are hearing.


This guide sets you on the right course, but content marketing includes advanced elements such as retargeting, amplifying your message, conducting a content audit and more. Contact Folio Websites to ensure your website works hand-in-hand with your content strategy.