Did you know that a blog is an essential part of your photography website? A blog is a versatile content marketing tool that you can use to interact with your audience.


Through your articles, you can share your latest work, talk about your creative process, share more about yourself to allow your clients to better connect with you, advertise upcoming specials and share other tips and tidbits pertaining to your photographic niche.


Done correctly, a blog becomes your “voice” to your audience. A blog assures the audience that there's a real, friendly human being behind the business.

But how can you attract readers to click and read your blog posts?


Here are some useful and simple tips that can help you pique your readers' interest.


What Kind of Blog Posts Should Photographers Write


Decide what kind of blog post you want to write. There are many topics that you can write about and publish in your photography blog, but below are some topics that can truly capture and engage the readers.


Your latest work and projects

You can include things that wouldn’t make the portfolio.




Your creative process

You can share unique techniques that make your work better or more efficient.




Your personality and style

Readers looking for photographers are interested in knowing aspects of your personal life and your style to see how they can work with you. Your articles may not necessarily be about photography.



  • How My Passion for Photography Saved Me
  • Touching Lives With Photography


Location-specific articles

This is very useful for increasing your SEO ranking. You can write about tips for finding creative wedding photographers in Denver, for instance.



  • Travel Insights: Photos of Chicago
  • A Stunning Wedding at Dixie Farms - Amarillo, Texas


How-to's and tutorials

These are useful blog posts for those who want to accomplish certain tasks such as shooting in low light, editing images properly, and more.





Enlighten your readers about the specifications, capabilities, features, and advantages of the latest photography gear, technology, or app in the market.





Graphics and charts can often explain theories in better, simpler, and more interesting ways than simple text. They are visually attractive as well. If you have some graphic design skills, use it to your advantage and create infographics as blog entries.




Editorials and controversial stands

These articles are perfect if you want reader interaction. Take a stand on a subject that you know your audience is passionate about. Note though that some of the responses may be negative or angry, so you should be able to deal with these readers professionally.





You can see now how a blog gives so much life to your website. If you’re looking for a cool blog platform, then you need FolioWebsites. Our comprehensive website builder comes with an integrated blog platform that is simple, easy to use, and full of features.


Let your blog do some magic on your site!