As documentary photographs continue to take the photography industry by storm, more and more real-life pictures are being shared. And nothing says real-life than motherhood.

This Mother's Day we celebrate some photographs that remind us of what real motherhood looks like.


"My favorite self-portraits of motherhood tend to be the in-between shots and the unexpected moments and expressions that occur while shooting together with my kids. It has become easier to allow them to be themselves and watch the magic they create. I follow their lead and they show me what real motherhood looks like."

Ellen Covey of Ellen Elizabeth Photography
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Alexandria Graziano


Robyn Gallaway Horne of Robyn Gallaway Photography
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Tammy Nicole of Tammy Nicole Photography
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Lauren Hodges of Lo Photo
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LeAnna Campbell Azzolini of Leanna Azzolini
PhotographyFacebook | Instagram


Marisa Kraft
Facebook | Instagram


Anca Clivet of Anca Clivet Photography
Website | Facebook | Instagram


Casey McCauley Casey McCauley Photography
Website | Facebook | Instagram


Sarah Kelley of PhotosbySarahKay
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Maddi Hanson

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Stephanie Entin of Little Plum Photo

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Jolanta of Three Birdies

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We love seeing all the mothers on social media! Do you have a real-life moment you would like to share? Be sure to tag us on Instagram using #foliocreatives